
Culture & Art, Destinations 5 x 26' 2016 HD

Whether it’s making your own shoes, soap or urban gardening, this series travels all over Europe to discover the weird, wonderful and flourishing trend of ‘do it yourself’. We are meeting the most eccentric and creative characters from London, Marseille, Stockholm, Turin, Berlin, Istanbul, Thessaloniki, Belgrade, Bilbao and Ghent and help them DIY a new something every episode.

The series also questions our growing dependency on industrially mass produced goods and finds out how easy it is to make some of these at home. Whether it’s learning how to make your own shampoo, gain ideas for presents or be entertained by the most alternative creatives out there, this series has it all.

- London
- Marseille
- Stockholm
- Turin
- Berlin

Produced by

Berlin producers


German, English, French


arte, RBB

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