Islands of the Future
Destinations, Mission Earth, Science 5 x 52' 2015 HD
The world is in an energy crisis that’s getting worse all the time. Oil and gas cost more and more. Coal is fuelling global climate change. In Europe especially, people are searching for ways of freeing themselves from the fetters of fossil fuels. And answers to this challenge are being found in the sea, off the coast of the continent – on the islands of Europe. Life here, far from the mainland and major cities, has always meant looking for means of survival. Through their history and mentality islanders are well equipped for mastering the transition to a new energy future. They have always had to cope with restricted space and limited resources and find their own way.
Featured islands
- El Hierro - Visionaries at the End of the World
- Orkney - The Blue Revolution
- Madeira - The Struggle for Water and Power
- Iceland - Green Paradise at the Crossroads
- Samsø - The Community of Power
Produced by
Längengrad Filmproduktion
English, German, French, Neutral Spanish
arte, WDR