Albatross' Docs Swipe Grand Prix and other Awards at the Green Screen Festival
13 September 2021
On Saturday, 11th September 2021, the awards ceremony of the Green Screen Festival in Eckernförde, Germany was held. 226 film from 57 countries were competing for the prestigious awards. We are proud to announce that three of the prizes went to films from our catalogue.
The main prize of the festival, the Green Screen Nature Film Award, went to WILD HORSES - A TALE FROM THE PUSZTA by Zoltan Török. The jury was full of praise for the bravery of the filmmakers in choosing such an seemingly barren location:
The Puszta, flat to the horizon - a line in the landscape. The least filmmaking habitat imaginable, or so one thinks. Just for the courage to create a feature-length film about this stretch of land deserves a prize. What Zoltan Török and his team have wrung out of this barren steppe over the years in rich images, enchanting moods is more than remarkable. We learn about the main animal protagonists in dramatic stories, wonderful animal footage and loving narration. With great respect for the nature of these animals and their natural, wild behaviour, a great closeness and identification is built up. The sometimes tender, sometimes powerful, but always stirring music contributes to the emotional intensity of this film and rounds off the overall work of art.
The audience award of the festival went to VLTAVA - RIVER OF GOLD by Angelika Sigl and the Prize of the Juvenile Jurywas awarded to AFRICA'S WILD ROOMMATES - HOW ANIMALS SHARE BED AND BOARD by Robert Sigl. A wonderful success for the producers of Text + Bild Medienproduktion.
Congratulations to all the winners and nominees!